Flat feet is a condition that affects many people and there are different levels of this condition.
Stretches and rollilng golf balls and other terrible suggestions you see on the interweb are not going to help this condition. This is old school and if you would like to try this at home, please feel free, but this is not the practice for you.
Flat feet is a structural condition of your ligaments and bones that are formed and finished when you are done growing. You are not going to stretch a bone. You are not going to stretch a ligament. You end up tearing ligaments and causing pain.
Arch supports are very successful in helping with some flat feet. Dr. DiNucci likes well made orthotics like The Foot Chair and Power Step orthotics that are over-the-counter. If needed, which is rare, you may need a custom orthotic.
If supports don't work then surgery is sometimes used to stabilize the bones of the arch and in some cases to reconstruct or rebuild the arch.
Dr DiNucci specializes in pediatric cases of flat feet which is a minimally invasive procedure and stabilizes the arch. This is a more progressive procedure that is powerful as it stabilizes the bones while they continue to grow in the new stabilized position.
If you’d like more information on how to treat discomfort you’re feeling because of flat feet, consult with Dr. DiNucci for the best treatment options for your case.